Soul calibur 6 pc skidrow
Soul calibur 6 pc skidrow

soul calibur 6 pc skidrow

I wrote the HWID swapper in about 12 hours, so it's barely tested. If it still can't find any EXEs, it will ask you to locate it. If it doesn't find anything running, it will check your steam directory. If it is, it will grab the location, then ask you to close RE6 and it will proceed to attempt the patch. Patch BH6.exe will attempt to first see if Resident Evil 6 is running. I've fixed it with a bytepatch that you can apply with File -> Patch BH6.exe, or apply it manually with a cheat engine table I've supplied, but the cheat engine table method is only temporary, you have to apply it every time you run the game. However, once you've equipped it, there's a glitch with the game that makes it so you can't switch away from it. It's in the vertical(grenade/first aid) slot for the respective characters. Included with the 100% save, Chris, Piers, Ada and Agent have a Lightning Hawk with about 30,000 rounds in the magazine. You can download the HWID swapper, and my 100% save file here: I've decided to call it a Hardware ID (HWID for short). I reversed how the game was determining this, and found out it's using a signature on the save file to tie savedata.bin to a specific computer/user/whatever the hell it is. I was proud of it up until I tried to give it to someone, and they said that RE6 displayed a "corrupted save file". This is my 100% save file I've been working on.

Soul calibur 6 pc skidrow